The Glute Guide

The Glute Guide


8 weeks of training programs focusing on glute growth! With weekly goal setting!

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Creating any  desired physique  comes down to creating shape, and what creates shape? Muscle! That's where my eBook, "The Glute Guide" comes in.

"The Glute Guide" is all about providing a program designed to help to build muscle strength and size in one of the most desired of all areas with females - THE BOOTY aka Glutes.

"The Glute Guide" contains glute days to add to your current training split or use in conjunction with my other eBooks for 8 weeks, as well as a weekly goal journal, remember once you have completed the 8 weeks you are not done there, reuse the program and try to increase your weights, or add in drop sets, rest/pauses and forced reps, this is a guide only and can be changed to suit your training with the equipment you have access to, the length of time you have to train, and also any previous injuries or limitations that prevent you from participating in particular exercises, this program will give you in depth look on how to train like me and my clients and build round, full glutes.

Make sure you tag me in your workouts, post training selfies and your before and after comparison photos of using "The Glute Guide".

